
Intimate talk

Let's talk about vulvas!

Intimate Health: Proper Hygiene Tips
Cleansing oil Dryness Female health Microbiota pH Vulva health

Intimate Health: Proper Hygiene Tips

Discussing intimate health concerns can be a sensitive topic for many women. Our market research indicates that 91% of surveyed women have dealt with discomfort...

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Vaginal dryness in premenopausal women
Cleansing oil Dryness Female health Lip Balm Vulva health Wet Lips

Vaginal dryness in premenopausal women

We've all heard of vaginal dryness during menopause. But it also affects at least 17% of premenopausal women.

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Vaginal Dryness: Causes & Relief
Dryness Menopause Vulva health

Vaginal Dryness: Causes & Relief

Ever felt that uncomfortable dryness in your intimate area? Or that you all of sudden start experiencing issues like bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections or UTIs?...

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Vulvodynia - Chronic Vulva Pain
Cleansing oil Dryness Female health Lip Balm Sex Wet Lips Womanhood

Vulvodynia - Chronic Vulva Pain

Symptoms of vulvodynia (earlier called vestibulitis) involve a chronic feeling of burning, stinging, irritation or sharp pain around the vaginal opening. Vulvodynia negatively affects the...

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Breaking the Stigma Around Intimate Dryness
Cleansing oil Dryness Female health Lip Balm Menopause Perimenopause

Breaking the Stigma Around Intimate Dryness

Vaginal dryness is one of the most common intimate issues women experience at some point in their lives. Studies show that over 50% of menopausal...

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