The intimate area is sensitive and requires proper care to stay healthy. If you enjoy swimming in pools or the ocean, it's important to be aware of how that can affect the vulva. By understanding the possible impacts and taking preventative measures, you can enjoy swimming without compromising your well-being.
Effects of pool water on the vulva:
1. Chemical irritation: Pool water contains chemicals, such as chlorine. These chemicals can disrupt the natural pH balance of the vulva, leading to irritation, redness, and discomfort.
2. Dryness: Pool water, due to chlorine and other additives, can cause the vulva to become dry and itchy, potentially resulting in cracked or flaky skin.
3. Allergic reactions: Some individuals may experience allergic reactions to the chemicals in pool water, which can cause itching, redness, rashes, or swelling of the vulva.
4. Disruption of the natural flora: The chemicals in pool water can disturb the delicate balance of bacteria and microorganisms in the vulva, increasing the risk of infections such as bacterial vaginosis or yeast infections.
Effects of salt water on the vulva:
1. Irritation and Sensitivity: The high salt content in seawater can cause irritation and increased sensitivity in the vulvar area, especially if there are any existing cuts, abrasions, or skin conditions.
2. Dehydration: Saltwater has a drying effect, which can contribute to vulvar dryness, itching, and potential cracking or flaking.
3. Discomfort during contact: Contact with saltwater, especially on any cuts, sores, or existing skin conditions, can cause stinging or burning sensations, increasing discomfort.
4. Disruption of pH Balance: Salt water can alter the natural pH balance of the vulva. This can create an environment that is less conducive to the growth of beneficial bacteria, potentially leading to discomfort or infections.
Preventing discomfort with Lip Balm:
Applying Lip Balm before water exposure can help protect and soothe the vulva when exposed to pool water or salt water. Here's how it can help:
1. Barrier protection: Applying Lip Balm to the vulva before swimming creates a protective barrier between the water, minimizing the effects of chemicals and reducing irritation.
2. Hydration: Lip Balm can help maintain the natural moisture of the vulva, counteracting the drying effects of pool water and salt water.
3. Soothing and calming: Lip Balm has a calming and soothing effect on the skin and can help alleviate any irritation or redness caused by exposure to pool water or saltwater.
And one more thing! It's super important to stress the need for changing out of that wet bikini as soon as possible after your swim. When you stay in a wet bikini, the moisture can create an ideal environment for bacteria or yeast to thrive, increasing the risk of infections. Therefore, changing into dry clothing or a fresh bikini after swimming helps maintain dryness and promotes better vulva hygiene.